THE STAR CHAMBER 1980-2012 |
The Star Chamber was originally created to function as the official website for the La Jolla Vikings football program. The website's administration and upkeep was the responsibility of the varsity defensive backs and their position coach. Every year one of defensive backs was designated to lead the Star Chamber and another defensive back was designated as his Chief of Staff. It was their responsibility to plan all Star Chamber and team activities. This website now functions as a historical archive that documents the history of the Star Chamber and keeps members informed about current football related topics as well as any important developments as they relate to the members' present day activities. In 1990 La Jolla High School started a tradition of creating a Secret Society for every football season. Every year the Society was given a new name and the players and coaches were awarded a pin throughout the course of the season. Pins were awarded whenever an individual exhibited behavior that the coaches thought was consistent with advancing the best interests of the team. Some individuals received their pins very early in the season, others received their pins very late in the season and on rare occasions some individuals did not receive pins at all. |
The concept of the Secret Society originated at Baylor University where the Secret Society of the Golden Dot came together under the direction of Coach Grant Teaff. This idea was borrowed by the coaching staff at Helix High School and in December of 1979 the Secret Society of the Tiger Paw was born. The concept was then taken to La Jolla High School where the Secret Society found a new home in 1990. In an effort to reinforce principles of positive leadership an entity called the Star Chamber was created in 1999. The Star Chamber became an extension of the Secret Society with its purpose being the reinforcement and advancement of the leadership skills needed to maximize team success on and off the field. The members of the Star Chamber assumed the many responsibilities associated with working as a team for a common goal. |
Starting in the year 2000 and thereafter the Star Chamber existed not only to further the interests of the team as explained herein but also compiled a historical record of past defensive backs who assumed their responsibilities and exhibited the strength of character needed to be effective leaders. Senior athletes who exhibited positive leadership throughout their high school playing career become lifetime members of the Star Chamber and a historical record of their membership became a permanent part of this archive. In addition, a Star Chamber Gallery of Stars was created. The Gallery of Stars honors past members of the Secret Societies dating back to 1979. Induction into the Gallery is reserved for those athletes who have gone on and continued to not only exhibit great skill on the collegiate playing field, but who have also continued to inspire younger players to aspire to greatness. The Star Chamber will still continue to consider new inductions in the Gallery of Stars should any player merit consideration. |
Beginning in 2013 the Star Chamber designated the title of Star Chamber Leader emeritus and Chief of Staff emeritus. This was done so that there could still be two members who could carry on with the responsibilities associated with these positions. The last two members who officially held these positions, Dylan Walsh and Jack Irwin will now serve in this capacity. They will be free to consult with former members of their choosing in regards to any planning or activities that might come under consideration. |