Dear Helix,

I wish I could have gotten a chance to see you at our DB dinner, but the guys told me you had another engagement. It was fun getting together with all the DB’s. I really enjoyed our group and I’m looking forward to next season. I know you didn’t get a chance to play much last year, but I’m sure you will have a much more productive senior year. Your junior year of varsity experience will be of great benefit in preparing you for next season.

Last year I started a group called the Star Chamber. I invited a limited number of players to join and assume a role of positive leadership. This year I am going to continue with the Star Chamber but I will be making it a group project. All the DB’s will be members and I’m extending to you a special invitation to join. I will be including you in our website ( When you get a chance, take a look at some of the material in there. Look at the special responsibilities. These responsibilities will be the focus of all members not just one individual. Throughout the spring I will be making changes and I hope to have it completed by the summer.

 I am enclosing a goalsheet for you to fill out. I notice that you didn’t fill one out last season and it is important for you to set some goals. Return it to me in the enclosed envelope. Work hard in the off-season and get yourself ready to play next fall. I really appreciate the fact that you continued to make a sincere effort last season even though I didn’t get a chance to play you much. I’m hoping that next year I will be able to play you more. If you need to talk you can call me anytime. My home number is 619-281-5092. See you soon.

