Dear Eddie,
This is your first official Star Chamber communication. I gave you the web address last fall (www.ixpres.com/starchamber) but I am not certain if you had a chance to visit the site. I am reconfiguring the site and you are now an active member. Your player profile will be in the Meet the Members section and this letter will be posted in your file, which will also be open soon. I am very happy with the effort you put forth this summer and I am certain this will help you become a better player. As you know we have a very small group returning and we will have many challenges. As one of only two returning DB's you will have a very important role in our group. I know it was difficult playing on that knee last season but I do admire the way you fought through it and I was glad to see you making good progress at the end of the year. Your junior year experience will give you a head start over all the new faces that will be trying out for positions in the secondary. It is up to you to do what's necessary to prepare yourself for an opportunity to compete for a starting position in the next couple weeks |
I am also making you the leader of the Star Chamber. I believe that by having completed and passed your 40-G testing and completing your weight room responsibilities you have proven that you are the best person suited for the job. We will wait and see who ends up being part of our DB group and sometime later we can plan some activities. |
If you need to talk to me and don't get a chance to do it at practice don't hesitate to come by Muirlands or feel free to call me: 619-281-5092 (Home); 858-459-4211 (Muirlands) or leave a message on my school voice mail 858-456-7648 Ext. 1520. Work hard and let's get ready to have a great year. |