Dear Jack.

I want to take a second to congratulate you on a great J.V. season. I am very excited about next year’s team and we need to get a few people working on it now. I  have chosen ten players who I am going to be working with closely and you are one of them. You are going to be part of a secret society within a secret society. I am going to call you guys the “Star Chamber.” Don’t ask me who the other nine are and don’t tell anyone about this letter. Also, don’t ask any of your teammates if they received a letter too. In time, you will meet the other nine.

Right now, all I am asking is that you not waste any time during this off-season. I know that you play other sports and this is good. I am sure that you will workout hard and be prepared once football season starts again. We are going to use you defensively next year, probably as an outside linebacker and perhaps as a down end. This means that you will probably be quite busy as you will probably be our tight end too. You’ll have to be in great shape!

You’ll be hearing from me again. If you need anything you can call me at 459-4211 (Muirlands), 281-5092 (Home), or leave a message on my school voice mail (456-7648 Ext.1520). Remember, you are a member of the Star Chamber. Don’t  tell anyone, not even Coach Ponsford!

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