Jack, you will carry an “R” on your helmet. One other player will carry an “R” also. Your “R” will stand for RESPECT. I have decided to give you this letter because I very much admire your demeanor and the respect that you show toward your coaches and teammates. Ever since I first met you, you have been a very polite and courteous individual.

Respect is a character trait that I see less and less of in our society. Perhaps this is because people must make an effort to earn respect and fewer and fewer people think this is important. Respect from one’s teammates is important because if one doesn’t have it, no one will have any confidence in that player. For example, a lazy individual who never works out or trains will probably not be a hard worker on the field. This is not the type of individual who will have his teammate’s respect. However, an individual who is dedicated and exhibits a good work ethic will be respected and, more importantly, will be taken seriously when he asks others to put forth a greater effort in practice or in a game.

Players and coaches must also show respect for each other. In recent years I have seen too much disrespect between these individuals. This makes for a negative working relationship that causes a deterioration of communication and trust. I could give you specifics, but perhaps it is best to ask your teammates. Mike Peterson can tell you about our receivers two years ago and Jon Rosen can tell you about our running  backs last year. 

Your job will be to encourage positive relationships between all individuals. If you see a teammate who is unhappy and is beginning to show disrespect toward his coaches or teammates, talk to him. Sometimes a player simply needs a little reminder. Encourage him to talk to his coaches and work something out. You will be perfect for this job because, like I said, you are a person who I feel has the respect of his teammates already.

Now have Cody read his letter.
Jack Boyl
Up Down