Dear Jack,

I am enclosing a goalsheet and a copy of your junior goalsheet. Take some time to think about what your goals should be for the upcoming season. You did a very good job last year and I was very happy with your progress as an outside linebacker. This is a very important position for us, its probably the most important. I’ll have to convince Mitch that there is a tight end in our offense! Getting the ball to the tight end is the one thing that we have to do offensively if we are going to improve. Fill out the goalsheet and send it back to me in the enclosed envelope.

I have decided to continue with our Star Chamber for next season. I am, however, going to make some changes. Many of the things I wanted to do last year never materialized because not all the members bought into the concept of positive leadership. Still, I’m glad I tried it because I was able to learn many things from it. I’m changing the Star Chamber to more of a DB oriented concept, but I want to continue to include you because you are the one non-DB returning member who I think took the concept seriously. I will be making numerous changes on our website throughout the spring. I will have a section for lifetime members (players who graduate like Mike Boggs, Mike Peterson and Ryan Bakalarski who did their part last season) and a Gallery of Stars for players that are past members of the Secret Society that have gone on to play in college. The special responsibilities will become a focus for all members, not just one individual. Also, it really won’t be so secretive. I think people got a little paranoid last year and that wasn’t good. I’ll let you know more later on.

Try to work hard and put together a good training program for baseball season. I sent Ryan Guidi a copy of a good off-season lifting program, you might want to take a look at it. Give me a call if you need anything. See you soon.


P.S. Did you like your homecoming picture?

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