Dear Jacob,

As I am certain you know, we put together a Star Chamber last season and I invited a certain number of players to join. While not every thing worked out as I would have liked, it was still a positive experience. We want to continue with the Star Chamber concept and this year we will be making it more of a group (DB’s) project. As such, I want all the DB’s to be a part of it. I hope you didn’t understand that I didn’t purposefully omit you last year. I had intended to bring in a number of people, but circumstances beyond my control made it impossible.

The Star Chamber contains a variety of material, but the most important aspect is the opportunity it provides to learn something about positive leadership. I was very pleased with the way you progressed last season as a defensive back. I believe that you learned a lot and that you will have a great senior year. There are still things that we need to improve on and I’m certain that with hard work and dedication you will reach all your goals. I am enclosing a goalsheet along with a copy of last year’s goals.  I want you to take some time to think over what you would like to accomplish next season.  Please fill it out and send it back to me.  I'll review it and make any changes that I feel will be in your best interests.

I very much enjoyed coaching you guys last year and I’m happy that so many of you are coming back. You like all the other DB’s are a pleasure to coach. I am very fortunate to have such great kids to work with. I will be updating the Star Chamber website throughout the spring and you notice the changes over time. You will be added as an active member and I will stay in touch. Good luck during baseball season and if you should ever need to reach me my home number is 619-281-5092.


P.S. The address, if you don’t know, is Did you like your homecoming picture? 

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