Dear Jeff,

I hope you aren’t too shocked to receive an official communication from the Star Chamber. I’m sure that by now you are aware of the Star Chamber’s existence and perhaps you have already visited the web-site. We got off to a rocky start last year but we have continued to work on improving the Star Chamber and making it a means of helping our players become effective leaders.

The membership met on August the 18th and voted to invite you to become an active member or what we refer to as an 11th man. This summer the members voted to extend special invitations to Mitch and Jimmy. You are the third person this year to receive a special invitation to join the active membership. I was the one that placed your name in nomination and all the members agreed that you would be an excellent addition. I want you to be a member for a number of reasons. First, I very much admire the way you have handled the tough job of playing on a team that has for a head coach your own dad. I have coached on other staffs where this was the case and believe me it can turn ugly. Perhaps you don’t fully realize yet what a great job your dad has done. He inherited a very difficult assignment. Anytime you follow in the steps of a very successful coach you will always have to deal with the comparisons and the second-guessing. On top of all that your dad has had to deal with an inordinate amount of discipline problems that have made his job even more difficult.

In addition to all of this your dad has had to deal with the fact that his own son plays on a team that has a very good player that plays the same position as his own son. Jeff, don’t think that we have forgotten the fact that you are also a very good quarterback. If we ever had to turn the job over to you I would be very confident about your ability to run the offense. Your dad has handled this situation very well and I know it isn’t easy to deny your own son an opportunity to play such a key position. I have a tremendous amount of respect for your father and you are very lucky to have such great parents. You will fully realize this some day when you have your own children.

I am certain that you will continue to demonstrate the positive leadership that you have shown in the past. The Star Chamber web-site contains a great deal of information on positive leadership. You will find your personal biography under the file entitled “Q” The 11th man. This letter will also become a permanent part of the Star Chamber files and will be posted in the section entitled “Special Invitations to Join.” You will also find a file entitled “The Gallery of Stars.” Take a look at all these files, but in particular look at Danny Hammerschmidt’s file. You will see many parallels with his career and yours. All the players in the Gallery of Stars are former members of the Secret Society that played for me at one time or another. I think you will enjoy reading about them.

The Star Chamber address is The leader of the Star Chamber this year is Mike Stidman (don’t laugh) and Ryan Guidi is his Chief of Staff (don’t laugh). You can call either one and they will answer any questions you might have. If you need to call me my home number is 619-281-5092. Welcome to the Star Chamber. Mike will let you know when the next formal meeting will be.


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