Mike, if you are reading this message you have read the clues correctly and have found the Star Chamber.  It will be your responsibility to share the information with the other members of the Chamber.  Be careful that you don't reveal the address and password to non-members.  It is probably best that you not write it down anywhere.  Instruct the other members to not reveal the information also.  It is possible that a non-member might figure out the address by studying the pin.  If anyone does, I will make him an honorary member of the Star Chamber.  In this web site you will find a complete history of the Star Chamber.  It will also provide you with all the answers to the millions of questions you probably have.

A true measure of your intelligence will be the number of clues I had to give you before you finally broke in.  On the next page you will find the Boggs intelligence meter.  Go ahead and take a look at it and tell me where you rate!

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