W Clue number one. If you got into the Star Chamber with just this clue you are the smartest person in the world. You will grow up to become president of the United States and I will vote for you twice. You will marry the most beautiful woman in the world, have two kids and live happily ever after. |
W Clue number two, the second "W." If you got into the Star Chamber after the second clue you are a very smart person. You will grow up to be president of the United States but I will only vote for you once. You will marry a very beautiful woman and have two kids. Unfortunately, one of the kids will run away and join the circus. |
W Clue number three the third "W." If you got into the Star Chamber after the third clue you are smart. You will grow up to become president of the United States, but will be impeached during your first term. You will marry a beautiful woman and have two kids. Unfortunately, your wife and one of the kids will run away and join the circus. She will be a bearded lady and your son will be a clown. |
. Clue number four the "dot." If you got into the Star Chamber after the fourth clue you are a person with reasonable intelligence. You will apply to school at Harvard but will be rejected and have to go to Yale. You will run for president but will lose a close race to your brother. You will marry a beautiful woman, but later find out that she only married you for your money. You will have two kids and one of your kids will run away to join the circus. Unfortunately, this kid will get lost and never find it. You will blame it on his Attention Deficit Disorder. |
S Clue number five the "S." If you get into the Star Chamber after the fifth clue you are a person with some intelligence. You will be rejected by all the Ivy League schools and have to go to U.C. Santa Barbara. You will run for president five times, but never win. The last time you will lose a close election to Jesse "the Body" Ventura. You will marry a beautiful woman, but she will run away to join the World Wrestling Federation. She will later manage Jesse Ventura after he gets out of politics. You will have one kid. This child will one day make a guest appearance on the Jerry Springer Show. |
T Clue number six, the "T." If it takes you six clues to get into the Star Chamber you are not very smart. You will get accepted by only two schools, Grambling and Mesa College. You will run for mayor of National City, but lose a close election to Mitch John. You will marry a woman, but she will gain 700 pounds and make the cover of a tabloid magazine. You will have one child, a girl who looks just like her mom. |
A Clue number seven the "A." If you need seven clues to get into the Star Chamber you are not smart. Mesa College will accept you conditionally, but you will graduate, albeit ranked in the bottom ten-percent. You will lose an election for Student Body President to Cody Ford. You will marry a blind woman and have one child, a boy who has corrected vision and wears coke bottle glasses. |
R Clue number eight the "R." If you need eight clues to get into the Star Chamber you are not smart at all. You will never go to college, but you will marry. Your wife will have a child, but before you get to see it, she will sell it on the black market for $1,000 dollars. This child will come back 18 years later and sue you to get you to pay for his college education. |
C Clue number nine the "C." If you need to receive nine clues to get into the Star Chamber you are just plain dumb. You will never go to college, but you will marry. Your wife will have a baby, but before you get to see it, she will sell it on the black market for $1,000 dollars. The IRS will later arrest you for not claiming this money as earned income and you will go to jail. Upon arrival you will be finger printed by Officer Isaiah Bowman, a five year member of the force. |
Mike, if it takes you ten clues to break into the Star Chamber the season will be almost over and I will be desperate. I know it will never take you this long. My prediction is that you will get into the Star Chamber no later than the 4th clue. Was I right? |