S |
Mike, you will carry an “S” on your helmet. The “S” will stand for SELF-MOTIVATION. Athletes and coaches always talk about self-motivation. Too often, I hear athletes blame their lack of production on the fact that their coaches aren’t motivating them enough. This is probably the weakest excuse that exists in sports. |
The most important type of motivation is self-motivation. A coach can give great talks but unless a player takes the initiative and makes himself a better person and player, he will never find true success. I thought you did a great job last summer of making a decision to improve yourself through weight training and running. You got bigger, faster and stronger and you were clearly a better player. This was a decision that you made on your own. It is the type of decision that more of our players have to make. |
Your job this year will be to encourage others to be more self-motivated. I expect you to lead by example. We need to get as many players as possible involved in our off-season activities. Remember that our motto is No Excuses. When you hear one of your teammates making an excuse for not being self-motivated, let him know. On the field, if you hear or see a teammate making excuses, remind him that he must take the initiative and make himself better. Tell him to stop waiting for a coach to “motivate” him before he acts. |
Self-motivation is probably the key to our success next year. I sincerely believe that everything is in place for us to have a great year. What we need now are enough people stepping forward and making the personal sacrifices necessary to ensure success in September. I know you’ll do great job carrying out this responsibility. |