Dear Mike:

I want to take a minute to thank you for all the hard work you put forth this past football season. I am very proud of the way you played. You gave us tremendous output at a position that we had struggled with for a number of years. We are going to have a great team next year and you will play a big part. I will be talking with Coach Seimans about having you play Mac linebacker next year. I want you to be our defensive leader and build our defense around you. Placing you in the middle will keep teams from running away from you.

I have chosen ten players who I am going  to be working with closely. You are one of the ten. You are going to be part of a secret society within a secret society. I am going to call you guys the “Star Chamber.” Don’t ask me who the other nine are and don’t tell anyone about this letter. Also, don’t ask any of your teammates if they received a letter too. In time you will meet the other nine.

Right now, the most important thing is that you make good use of the off-season. I know you play other sports and this is good. When the time comes,  I’m sure you will lift and run with great intensity, just like last summer. Hopefully, by the end of your senior year colleges will recognize your ability and you will have the opportunity to play on the next level. You will be hearing from me again. If you need anything you can call me 459-4211 (Muirlands), 281-5092 (Home) or leave a message on my school voice mail (456-7648 Ext. 1520). Remember, you are a member of the Star Chamber. Don’t  tell anyone, not even Coach Ponsford !

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