Dear Mike,

I want to take some time to communicate with all members of the Star Chamber and  fill you in on what has been going on. First, I hope your ankle is ok. I was shocked to see our Ironman in the training  room! I  told  Coach Ponsford to go by and see you. He was shocked too. I guess you’ll have to play offense next year.

On a serious note, we have decided to go ahead and participate in passing league this year. Everyone seems to be enthusiastic about it and promises to show up. Hopefully we’ll have a good turnout. It should be good for us, especially on offense. I kind of get the feeling that we’re going to be very, good on offense this year. It’s going to be nice to play defense with points on the board. Our defense will benefit greatly from this as well. We have decided to keep our summer lifting program on the same type of schedule we have always had. I was a bit surprised that more people didn’t want to try the five day program. Most everyone indicated that they preferred the six day program. This is good however. I think we have a good group of workers and everyone will dedicate himself to training consistently.

We are somewhat concerned about our spring training this year. We have a very narrow timeframe for practicing this spring. Our intention is to start spring football on May 24th.  If however you are still playing baseball, we will not be able to start until your season is over. Any days that we lose we will not be able to make up because the school year ends early this June. We’ll see what happens. I hope you guys go all the way. Coach Allen told me today that you guys are playing very well. Even if we don’t get much on the field practice, I’m not worried because nothing is going to stop us this year. I’ll simply consider it a minor inconvenience.

I have two big worries right now. First, there is a chance that we might lose Coach Siemans. He is going to start work on a Masters Degree and the classes might be in direct conflict with our fall practice schedule. I hate to lose him because he’s a good coach and staff stability is so important. I’ll know more in the next few weeks. I’m hoping we can work something out. My second concern is the ineligibility list. Right now I’m working with Isaiah, Jon Rosen and Cody Ford. I don’t let them lift 6th Period. It is a study hall for them. They seem to be responding, but only their last report cards will tell what the future holds in store for them. I would hate to lose any of those guys.

I will be meeting with the Star Chamber sometime during spring ball.  We  will set  a  date for all of  you to get together so that you can find out what your special responsibilities will be. I think a good pizza restaurant will be nice. It will allow me to treat you guys and at the same time say thanks for all the hard work you will be doing in the future. I think you guys are really going to enjoy the Star Chamber. I’ve been spending a lot of time putting this all together and can say with certainty that it will pose a tremendous mental challenge for you individually. I’m going to find out how smart you really are! My first question to you is, are you as smart as a goose? 

P.S. I have decided that the Star Chamber will play like Wild African Dogs.
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