Dear Mike,

 I am enclosing a goalsheet and a copy of your junior goalsheet. You did a good job last season and I was very happy with your play. I want you to set high goals for yourself and make your senior year a great one. Return your goalsheet in the enclosed envelope.

I am going to continue with the Star Chamber concept, but I am going to make it a group project (DB’s). I am going to include all the DB’s and Jack Boyl. Jack is the one non-DB returner who I thought took his role seriously last year, so I will include him again. I will be making a number of changes in our website throughout the spring. I hope to have it updated by the summer. I think you will like it. I am going to have an alumni section for players like Mike Boggs, Mike Peterson and Ryan Bakalarski. I am going to create a Gallery of Stars for past players that I have coached and gone on to play on the next level. Hopefully, some day I will be able to include you there too.

I hope you are getting serious about your off-season training, this is so important for you. If you need to talk about what direction to take with your training program give me a call.Remember to study hard and get good grades and citizenship. No excuses!



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